Who: Students 15-19 years old from Lehigh Valley Schools
What: Local Rotary clubs sponsor students to live abroad, and those clubs welcome a student from abroad. The local Rotary club recruits families to host students in their homes for 3-10 months, and club members invite international students to holiday dinners, American experiences, family gatherings, etc.
When: School year - Students depart late summer, return early summer. Applications are available in mid-October and due December 1.
Where: International - exact locations determined by Rotary International and can vary year to year
Cost: The outbound students’ families pay travel costs including flights, passports, required vaccinations, and spending money. The host families cover food and other reasonable expenses for their international guest.
More info:www.rotary.org/en/our-programs/youth-exchanges & www.exchangestudent.org/high-school-abroad/