Speaker March 3, 2015

Carolyn Warman, executive director of Leadership York, spoke at our March 3, 2015 weekly meeting.  She explained that Leadership York's mission is to train and support individuals who have the desire to serve the York community in leadership positions.   Photo:  Don McVay, President, York East Rotary, left and Carolyn Warman, right
She discussed how to correctly make a motion based on Roberts Rules of Order, originally written in 1876.  She engaged the assistance of Rotarians.  The sequence is:  1.  Recognized by the Chair   2.  Make the motion, "I move to or that..."  3.    2nd the motion  4.  The Chair restates the motion
5.  Discussion    6.  Vote on the motion 7.  Chair announces the results.
Photo:  Carolyn Warman, far right enlists the assistance of Rotarians