Melanie Lukevich from the Office of the Child and Youth Advocate presented her organization's mandate to represent the children and youth in care or involved in the justice system who do not have a parent or a guardian who can help them defend their rights, ensure their interests are considered, and their viewpoints respected.
The UN convention of children's rights is the bible of these seventeen advocates across the province whose role is to help children and youth identify which rights they have and which rights are denied to them and how to gain access to those rights.  The office of the Child and Youth Advocate focuses on the young person's perception of a situation, does not necessarily support the young person's decision but is his/her voice at of the table of grown-ups. Child and Youth Advocates long term goal is to teach the young person how to self advocate. Melanie underlined the vital role of community and natural advocates, such as our Rotary Club of Edmonton Whyte Avenue.