On May 1st, Paige Reeves led the second of our three meetings focusing on Rotary Club of Edmonton Whyte Avenue's identity and what can be done to enhance it.
Drawing on her enthusiasm for assisting her clients at AdaptAbilities and the insight it has given her, Paige challenged those in attendance to consider ways to make our club more inclusive.
From its beginning just over eight years ago, our club was one of the many that helped Rotary evolve from its origins of exclusivity to a makeup that would be more in-line with its mission statement, as validated by our Four-Way Test.
Rather than settle for the level of diversity our club has already achieved, we would be better served looking for barriers that we may inadvertently create as a group and as individuals.
It could very well be these barriers that deter prospective productive members from attending our meeting and finding belonging within our club.
Thank you to Paige for facilitating this thought-provoking session.