The Rotary Club Whyte Avenue had the pleasure of hearing from Dr. Tanyss Munro from Amarok Society on Tuesday, November 30th.  We were given an update of the Amarok Society.  
The Amarok Society teach mothers to teach the world
They work in the slums of Bangladesh where, according to the UN, virtually all population growth is taking place in the least developed regions and countries in urban centres, not rural villages.  1 in 3 children is growing up illiterate. It’s unlikely that any child will grow up in this chaotic, violent, noisy place to become a thoughtful, caring adult.
Given that building schools, training teachers and filling them with children was not working Amarok needed to come up with a novel approach. What if we taught their illiterate mothers? Every school we have is for mothers with 25 mothers/school.
Each mother teaches 5 children in her microschool. Every one of these children will graduate from  high school – some will go beyond.
Every boy they teach grows up thinking it natural and normal to be taught with girls by a woman. Not one of these little girls will be a child-bride like the mothers who teach them were.
We thank Dr. Tanyss Munro for giving our club an update and seeing the amazing work that Amarok Society continues to do.