speaker of day -JULIE DAVIS

Julie Davis is a Nurse Anesthetist, who has volunteered her time and resources to serve as a medical missionary to several countries including the Dominican Republic and most recently this year in the country of Haiti, which by the way, is on the same island mass as the Dominican Republic but quite dissimilar.  Julie is a native of Battle Creek Nebraska and his provided medical services in the O'Neill area as Nurse Anesthetist.
Julie discussed the particulars of her lodging in Haiti, the living conditions, the medical conditions under which they had to operate and the state of health of their patients.  She mentioned that her husband is supportive of her trips as he has done  as many trips has Julie has but not as a medical technician but general support work. 
Julie mentioned that one of the hazards of work in this area is getting sick from the environment, such as water, but she hasn't been seriously ill on all her trips to date.
Julie said that she has a DEA number for medication, however, she does not carry medications and packs quite lightly when she travels.  She does bring some light children's recreation items such as "wiffle" balls, etc.  Her housing in Pour au Prince was quite acceptable including her own room and air conditioning (when there is electricity available).
Some of the problems encountered were the antiquated medical equipment such as sterilizers.  A common surgery item is Goiter as the result of iodine deficiencies. 
Thanks to Judith for arranging Julies attendance at our meeting
Jim Tomanek, acting Presiding Officer called the meeting to order and facilitated the pledge and invocation.  Prez Dan and Tod were at Elkhorn High School for Scholarship awards.
Larry Johansen from Downtown Club was our visiting Rotarian and he was greeted properly by our membership.
Treasurer Rita reported money in the bank amounting to $5,866.64. 
Jim Tomanek mentioned the forthcoming COPE Golf Fundraiser on May 5th, the need 3 more teams.
Secretary Ron reported on some upcoming Rotary District 5650 events including the leadership institute on June 3 and the District 2017 conference at the Harper Center on the UNO Campus on August 11 and 12. ( It would nice for the club to offer pay the registration fees for these events for at least one of our members electing to an event)
While not part of the meeting, Ron received an email from a parent of an Elkhorn High School inquiring about the availability of a Rotary Interact Club at Elkhorn High School sponsored by our club (answer, not to date).  SEE STORY IN THIS NEWS LETTER ON WHAT AN INTERACT CLUB IS.