WDC Rotary Club
Meeting Minutes 7/19/18
We were led in prayer and pledge by Jim Tomanek
16 members attended and we had no guests
Treasurer’s report:  $7,613.05
  • Judy reminded the group that the District Annual meeting will be held the weekend of July 27-28 in Lincoln. 
  • Judy mentioned that donations for the Magdalene House are being gathered as part of the district-wide effort.Please bring items to the meeting on 7/26 and Judy will deliver them.
  • Jim T. announce that the COPE Back Pack Project is baaack! Items needed include: Good quality pocket folders, pens, small tissue boxes and computer flash drives.Please bring these items to an upcoming meeting as the back pack pack attack will be occurring on August 2nd at 6:00PM at COPE. If you are interested in assisting with this, please let Jim know.
  • The motion was made and passed that the club donate $300 to help in the COPE Back Pack effort.
  • Mike Ough, standing in for golf chairman Dan Fitzpatrick, reported that the golf outing went off as planned.Final numbers will be available soon.
  • Neil collected a variety of fines.
Official action
President Judy presented three options to the club in regard to our breakfast choices:
  1. $7.00 for breakfast with a reduced (less expensive) menu.$2.00 if no breakfast is desired but coffee is included with the $2.00
  2. $5.00 for all to attend meeting with breakfast available
  3. No breakfast.Coffee only. $2.00
After brief discussion, the motion for number one was made, seconded and passed. 
Mike Ough shared details and pictures of his recent trip to Washington DC with his wife and their 5 grandkids.   Looks like a good time was had by all and the kids will certainly remember this the rest of their lives!
Next meeting speaker (7/26) speaker: Neil will share his experience of his recent Grand Canyon vacation/hike. If you have ideas for speakers PLEASE contact Neil Kirby at neilkirby@aol.com
New Table Layout