In anticipation of discussion of the Club Secretary selection for next year, I would like to offer some comments:
  • Prior to my becoming club Secretary a several years ago, the secretary duties at that time included taking the minutes and performing duties regarding registration and removal of new members and resigning respectively.    Addition duty required verification of current membership for purpose of the annual and semi annual dues.  The minutes taken by the secretary were not published and simply reviewed at the subsequent club meeting.
  • When I became Secretary, I published the minutes, with photographs, using Neil's email listing for club members.  The minutes or bulletin were developed utilizing Microsoft Publisher Software and then converting to a PDF file to facilitate emailing to membership.  Later on, an interim secretary utilized the software that Western Douglas County Chamber of Commerce utilized for email distribution.
  • A few years ago, the Club Runner system was adopted by US Rotary Clubs to ultimately provide a portal for clubs to submit their administrative data to Rotary International, via respective Rotary Districts.  Included with the Club Runner was a feature for developing a club website and publishing a periodic (in our case, weekly) newsletter.  Other features of Club Runner including membership mailing lists, attendance management and project and event coordination.
  • The administration of Club Runner requires a "web master" of sorts for each club.  I have been serving in that role along with Secretary duties.  While Club Runner has some complicated features, I have been able to master most of the functions that apply to our club. 
  • The Club Runner was designed so ANY member of a club could write a feature story by signing on and developing the story following a few easy to learn steps. The web master is available to assist and train members who desire to submit stories and artic.  I suggest a "stand alone" web master position. 
  • With a stand along web master, It is not necessary to have Club Runner duties included in the Secretary's position and with that in mind, I propose going forward,  that the Secretary be responsible for developing the weekly meeting meetings and submitting those minutes to the bulletin editor.  Likewise, articles (story) for forthcoming programs would be developed by speaker host/program chair (and other committee chairs) and submitted to editor
  • The above would simplify the duties of the Secretary to writing minutes and occasionally responding to letters from Rotary International and Rotary District for various club operational matters.  The Secretary can submit administrative tasks to the web master or log on to Club Runner to make their own necessary changes or input.
CONCLUSION:  Decouple Club Runner web master from Secretary duties.
Ron Mortensen