Agustina, a four-year-old girl from Uruguay, is receiving hyperbaric treatment in New Orleans after a minor operation left her unable to speak, eat, walk, or function on her own. The Rotary Club of Uruguay and New Orleans bonded together to support and bring aid to the family.
Every parent knows the 2 AM call when their young child cries out from their room... They want to sleep in your bed and you don't want the painful knees and elbows that come with them. Physically and mentally you know your child is fine but you also know sleep comes quicker if we just scoot over and allow them in. So, naturally, this mom rolled over and my sweet, sleepy 4-year-old son climbed into the bed where we all fell back to sleep, tiny sharp elbows and all.
Agustina was the same normal four-year-old child, happy, healthy, and playful. Mom and Dad, Kenny and Karla, were also accustomed to her early morning calls and snuggles. But, on December 4, 2022, everything changed. While on her scooter in the backyard, Agustina suffered a nasty fall and broke her elbow. Two days later, she underwent standard surgery to fix it. During the surgery, though, Agustina experienced cerebral hypoxia, a neurological condition that happens when the brain doesn’t get enough oxygen. In the space of two days, Agustina went from running around in her backyard to being unable to speak, eat, or move on her own. 
As a result of the massive medical bills, the family was forced to sell their veterinarian practice and suffer massive debt. Thanks to the fundraising efforts of Kenny’s fellow Rotarians in the Rotary Club of Rivera, Uruguay, the family was able to fly into New Orleans, La. where Agustina began receiving hyperbaric treatment from an internationally renowned physician, Doctor Paul Harch. Hyperbaric oxygen treatment uses 100 percent oxygenated air at an elevated pressure to push 20 times more oxygen through the bloodstream helping to heal injured organs and tissues. 
On March 12, 2023, the family moved into the Ronald McDonald House of Southern Louisiana where they plan to remain until the end of Agustina’s treatment in mid-May. After hyperbaric treatments with Dr. Harch, Kenny and Karla plan to take Agustina to Phoenix, Arizona for stem cell treatments and finally to Austin, Texas to a specialized rehabilitation clinic. 
The initial journey into hyperbaric treatments has been incredibly beneficial. But sadly, improvements are still a double-edged sword. As Agustina’s body heals and she begins to cognitively recognize her physical body again, she also feels the pain of her injuries. The young four-year-old has been in immense pain, but as of April 6, the doctors were able to perfect her pain management and she was released from a multi-night stay in the ER. In truly amazing fashion, Agustina has shown incredible improvements. She is now able to physically respond to questions and swallow on her own again. Her progress is nothing short of a miracle.
From mother to mother, my heart is devastated for Kenny and Karla. I can’t imagine watching my sleepy four-year-old replace the knees in my back for a wheelchair and feeding tube overnight.
In addition to the emotional pain of watching their once-healthy child suffer so horribly, Kenny and Karla are also facing incredible costs. They are asking all parents, friends, families, loved ones and those so inclined, to support Agustina’s journey by contributing here, with her Go Fund Me page.
You can join her journey and learn more about her story on Instagram by liking and following, @agustinans2023. 