Joan Shaffer introduced us today to Betty Rose-Chardeen of the Wayne County Sheriff’s Department.  Joan invited her to talk to us about the Yellow Dot program.  This program was developed by the New York State Sheriffs’ Association as a way to convey important medical information to first responders.

   Placing a Yellow Dot sticker in the driver’s side rear window of your car will alert first responders that you have stored medical information in your car’s glove compartment.  The Yellow Dot lets you communicate with emergency personnel even if you can’t physically communicate yourself.  At home, you can put a Yellow Dot on or near your front door.   You would then put your completed medical info card in a freezer bag and place it in a visible location in your refrigerator’s freezer compartment.

   Yellow Dot kits are available for free from the village police department as well as the Sheriff’s department.  Joan still has several kits with her, or you can request a kit online at
