The Crier is Back!!
Please bear with us as we work on getting the Canaltown Crier back on line. It may take us a while to work through the new system, but we are working hard to get back to communicating with all of you.
COVID has taken its toll on us and we need to at least get you the information coming from our meetings so here is a synopsis of the last few ZOOM meetings.
Set me start with the AWESOME Holiday Zoom meeting hosted by Sheryl and Colin Vega back in December 9th . After much delay with the Clements getting on line the club gave delayed awards (normally handed out at the Changeover Picnic in June). Maurina Schmidt was awarded the Rotarian of the Year for all her hard work all the time, but especially during this crazy COVID year! Mark and Kim Clement were given the Margaret Brooks award for their dedication to all facets of Rotary. The Board of Directors recently voted to award certificates for future awards and the honoree gets to pick a charity to receive a $100 donation from Pal-Mac Rotary instead of a costly plaque. Mark and Kim’s plaques were already made up, but Maurina selected the
Green Angels to receive the donation!
After the awards Sheryl led the club through some fun games including Holiday Trivia and Bingo! Great fun! Thanks Sheryl and Colin.
Most of the Zoom meetings have centered around Fines and Happy Bucks and the club has donated generously. President Yost budgeted for $1,000 in this area and our members have already donated over $2,000! We have been either very happy or very naughty.
The Weekend Wellness program that gives food to needy students to make it through the weekends is doing well and our volunteers are set through February. If you would like to help, contact Leslie Vecchiotti to sign up. Leslie will also be looking for volunteers to help with the multi-district Rotary Great Lakes Clean-up on April 24th (Earth Day). Rotary Clubs adjacent to the Great Lakes will be working on cleaning their regions near the waterways.
The Murder Mystery Dinner is once again postponed due to you-know-what. We are hoping to reschedule for sometime this fall. The Dessert Gala is postponed and changed to an on-line Bake-sale for sometime in late March before Easter. We need volunteer bakers and deliverers. If interested contact Sheryl Vega or Kim Clement.
Maurina and the Clements with their awards. Please excuse the quality of the pictures. A picture of a picture from an article in the Macedon times by Jeff Crawford. Thanks Jeff!