President Will Geske gave us more information on the nine action items the Visioning Committee came up with.  The first three had the highest priority:
  1. Competitively choose three small community projects (these could change from year to year).
  2. Complete our first five-year signature project.
  3. Develop a strong public relations committee.
  4. Form an interact club at Harlem High School.
  5. Collaborate with other local clubs and appear on local TV.
  6. Hold a Career Day.
  7. Initiate an essay contest in school, such as the Four Way Test.
  8. Grow membership
  9. Recruit host families for our exchange students from outside the club.
As Will pointed out, implementing these action items would require active participation and volunteers from all club members, not just board members.  Thanks to Will and all members of the Visioning Committee for all the hard work you’re doing!  Anyone interested in volunteering to work on or chair a committee, please see Will.