We are thrilled to bring you an exclusive interview with one of the most dynamic and committed Rotarians in our club, Rtn Sharifah Nakisozi. Join us as we delve into the extraordinary life journey of this inspiring individual, exploring their Rotary experience, family roots, cherished childhood memories, hobbies, career, personal mantra, and more.
1. Rtn Sharifah, you’re a remarkable Rotarian, but beyond that, who is the person behind the Rotary badge? What’s your story, and what drives you?
Hey there! I’m Nakisozi Sharifah Mwebe, juggling the roles of a wife, mom, and administrator at Verma & Partners in Uganda. But beyond the Rotary badge, what fuels me is witnessing the magic of small acts of kindness, seeing how they can ripple into transforming lives.
2. Share a heartwarming Rotary experience that left a lasting impression on you?
Oh, buckle up for this one! Picture the Lukwanga medical camp – people walking miles for free medical services and scholarships. It hit me hard, you know? Made me appreciate life a whole lot more and ignited a fire for Rotary’s impactful mission.
3. Take us back to your childhood. What were your dreams, your favorite adventures, or mischievous escapades?

Oh, my childhood was a rollercoaster! From dreaming of becoming a TV presenter, to mimicking characters – those were the days. But as life unfolded, those dreams evolved, shaping me into the content and grateful person I am today.

4. How did your family influence your dedication to community service through Rotary?
Growing up in a Muslim setting, I saw Rotarians doing incredible charity work. Thatsparked something in me – a desire to serve, share, and uplift others. It’s family roots like these that mold us, right?

5. Any heartwarming moments where your family actively participated in your Rotary initiatives?
Absolutely! My family and I share proud moments, like sponsoring kids from needy families and seeing my husband’s Rotary certificates for transformative projects. It’s a team effort, and these moments are our community service milestones.
6. Can you pinpoint a specific moment that ignited your passion for making a difference in your community?
Going back to the influence of my Muslim community – those charity and community service moments were like sparks. They ignited the passion to make a difference that still burns brightly in me.
7. Beyond your Rotary endeavors, what are the passions and interests that ignite your spirit?
Well, you’ve got to know, I’m all about joy and helping others. The lively, entertaining side of Rotary? That brings out the real and best in me.
8. What’s the most captivating story you’d share about your personal experiences, showcasing the essence of who you are?
Let me take you through storms I’ve weathered – tests of faith and patience. Resilience became my middle name. I always say, “with commitment and patience, you can even cook a stone.” It’s these challenges that shape us, right?
9. How do you manage to keep both personal interests and Rotary commitments vibrant and fulfilling?
Simple – love for Rotary. When you love something, you make time for it. Being organized and prioritizing help me balance my personal interests and Rotary duties without feeling like I’m cheating on life.
10. Recount a moment where your personal hobby or interest unexpectedly became a powerful tool in one of your Rotary projects, creating a magical synergy?
I’m all about joy and loving life, so Rotary events like bus parties, meet and greets? I come alive during those moments. Networking and entertainment, my personal sweet spot and Rotary in perfect harmony.
11. Share an instance where your career and your Rotary values aligned perfectly, resulting in a transformative impact on your community.
In my admin role, interacting with people and running projects, it’s like a dance that aligns seamlessly with Rotary initiatives. It’s like my career and Rotary values were destined to be dance partners.
12. Is there a particular experience from your career that profoundly influenced your outlook on life and service?
Absolutely! Realizing that doing things from the heart, without expecting anything in return, brings the lasting fulfillment we all crave. It’s the heart and soul of true service.
13. Share the guiding principles or mantras that have shaped your journey, both in Rotary and beyond.
Here’s a mantra close to my heart: “Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile.” It guides me through the twists and turns of my journey.
14. Tell us about a time when your personal mantra served as a beacon of light in a storm, helping you navigate through adversity.
Helping others is my North Star. Even in the toughest times, reminding myself of the joy that comes from it makes the storm more bearable. It’s a lesson learned, and it’s been more valuable than any qualification.
15. Share a story of resilience, where you turned a regret into a valuable lesson or an opportunity for growth.
Life’s a mix of good and bad, right? I pick up lessons from every experience. No room for regrets – just growth and opportunities to become a better version of myself.
16. What profound insights have you gained from your experiences in Rotary that have enriched your personal life?
Rotary has been an eye-opener, showing me the preciousness of life’s overlooked treasures. Those small things we take for granted? They’re the real gems.
17. Looking ahead, what are your dreams and aspirations within the Rotary Club of Kampala Central?
Dreaming big! I want to be more engaged and active, diving deeper into community service and other Rotary initiatives. Because, you know, knowledge and experience make us better Rotarians.
18. Share the most heartwarming or memorable interaction you’ve had with a community member or fellow Rotarian, a story that encapsulates the true essence of Rotary’s spirit of service and friendship.
Let’s rewind to the Lukwanga medical camp. Collaborative service with fellow Rotarians created bonds beyond the event. That camaraderie and shared commitment? That’s the true essence of Rotary’s spirit – service and friendship, hand in hand.
19. Picture this: you’ve achieved everything you’ve ever dreamed of in your Rotary journey. What does that ideal future look like for both you and the community you serve?
Imagine a future where diverse Rotarians paint a brighter community canvas. It’s about transcending individual achievements and creating a community masterpiece together.
20. If you could leave our readers with one message or call to action, what would it be?
First of all, thank you for featuring me on this edition of the spotlight, it’s been such an amazing interview, to the readers and fellow Rotarians, all I can say is that In the tapestry of life, every thread of connection we weave through Rotary adds vibrant color to the canvas of service. My heartfelt call to every Rotarian is this: immerse yourself in the active embrace of Rotary, unfold your story, and forge connections that transcend the ordinary. It’s in these meaningful bonds that the true magic of our service unfolds, painting a masterpiece of impact, kindness, and shared humanity. Join us, not just as participants, but as architects of a better world, where the symphony of Rotary’s essence plays on in the hearts of those we touch.