Congratulations to the following Rotarians that were awarded by the DG:

100 percent attendance in 2010-2011: Douglas Bramsen, Zainul Dossa, Nikki Aggarwal and Hamza Kassango

Top PR Rotary coverage for the year 2010 – 2011: Rtn Johnson Mshana

Top Project Coordinator : Rtn Zainul Dossa

Treasurer of years: Rtn Anverali Rajpar

Events Supporter: Rtn Antoninah Kongoro

Great Administrator for the year 2010-2011: Rtn Sabrina Mehrali

Presidency Appreciation 2010 – 2011: Rtn. Douglas Bramsen

Highest fund raiser of the club from 2009 to now: Rtn Anver Rajpar

Highest individual giver in the club: Rtn Vinay Choudary

Most promising upcoming New Rotarian: Rtn Nikki Aggarwal

Oldest and active Rotarian of the club: Rtn Hamza Kassongo

Most Cherished Rotarian in the club: Late Manubhai Devani