Day 2
Started with DGE Geeta Manek making her presentation - she had rebranded the Tsavo Ballroom with the new theme logo - "Peace thru service" by oncoming RI President Sakuji Tanaka.

Currently as a district we have 3900 members in 163 clubs and our population as a district is 240M people - what exactly are we  doing in terms of numbers of Rtns ?. DGE Geeta's goal is to increase it to 5,000 members in total and with 40 percent increase in women membership + raise 500,000USD towards the foundation. DGE Geeta presented 1000 's of copies of the  four way tests to her country chairs to be distributed to all government offices, police stations and all offices in the country .

Did u know that today ten rotarians were honored at the white house for being change champions.

Anne Mathews aid to RIP  asked all incoming presidents not have maintenance goals but to have signature projects and be ambitious during the year.

She asked the incoming presidents four questions -
1. What would u like to accomplish at the end of your year ?
2. How will u leave a lasting impression in the community abt what u do as a club?
3. How  did ur community know what ur club did ?
4. Get a signature project for ur club - think abt ur legacy ?

Afternoon there were many breakout sessions on running clubs , PR and many rtns went for a long siesta ....

Evening was an african evening at the safari park hotel with exotic meats -nyamo choma served in style and the famous CATS performance for 50 mins was breathtaking. And to top it all we won the award - an area which has the  most emphasis and was given as the final award of the evening  ie  " PR award for the district " this is awarded to the club bringing the most visibility of Rotary in Tanzania out of the 160 clubs.

I simple am grateful to all of you for the  wholehearted work you have done this year  and for placing our club  where the DG and the awards panel felt we did our district proud.


Sharmila Bhatt
Rotary Club Of Dar es Salaam