At the Wednesday August 11, 2010 we experienced a roller coaster of exciting events. We had an extremely special guest visit and praise our club. The District Governor Stephen Mwanje, honored us by attending our lunch meeting and shared his perspective on the club, its achievements and major areas for improvements.  We all enjoyed an extra special lunch provided by Movenpick in order to honor the DGs visit to our club followed by fellowship. We also had the opportunity to award honorary membership to two of our oldest and most valuable Rotarians for their hard work and commitment to our Club. Rotarian Ally K. Skyes who has dedicated almost 60 years of his life to Rotary and Rotarian Jayanti Rajani giving to the club since the 1970s were both recognized as the honorary member of the Rotary Club of DSM. The District Governor inspired  us by his fascinating accomplishments and reminded us to appreciate the hard work the past leaders had put into establishing this club and encouraged us to THINK BIG when envisioning the future of the Club. He complimented our club by addressing that its goals not only meet the District Goals but were over and above. The District Governor recognized Hamza Kisongo with a Citation for Public Relations in Tanzania for his PR efforts to keep the club advertised and in the public eye. Vinay Choudary for his continuous generosity, Doug for his presidency and members of the Board for their hard work. All in all the District Governor was really impressed with Rotary Club of DSM, its vision, membership, history and all the hard work and commitment of the members. Congratulations and a job well done to all the members of Rotary Club of DSM.