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Omaha Suburban
United States of America

Rotary Club Vocational/Classification Talk

What is the Classification Talk? You were assigned a classification when you joined relating to your business and position. This is your chance to tell members about yourself and your business. It shouldn't be a big chore because you should already know all the answers. Please make this Vocational or Classification Talk your own and truly representative of you.

Time Frame: 3-4 minutes, any time in excess of four minutes will be heavily fined to benefit the Suburban Rotary Charitable Foundation. The fine amount is dependent on the Secretary's mood. There will be a timer. So practice your talk and make sure it is within the allotted time.

Suggested topics, in no particular order:

• Reasons for joining the Rotary Club
• What you like best about our Rotary Club
• Your profession:
o Where do you work now and what you do
o Why you choose your particular business or profession
o Parts of your job you find most rewarding and most difficult.
o Ethical issues you face at work, and how the Rotary 4-Way Test and the Rotary Code of Conduct help you deal with them.

• Interesting previous job or experience
• Where you grew up
• Educational background
• Family – about your spouse, children, and pets
• Where you live/have lived
• Hobbies
• Something that no one knows about you
• Questions from the members

Some presentation hints:
• Prepare a written outline and stick to it.
• Avoid the urge to rush through your 3-4 minute talk to “get it over with.”
• Use visuals if you choose. How you share information about your profession is up to you!
