WEBSITE: Tip for sending a message to club members
Ever wondered how to contact our members without setting up a cumbersome email list, only to find it out of date because the addresses have changed?
Our web site solves this problem!
Just LOGIN, then click on ADMIN. In the yellow "My Clubrunner" area click on "Email Message Center".
The email message center opens in a new window. Click on compose new message, select the recipients by clicking on the blue name on the left (drop down opens so that you can pick individual recipients or click in the box to select all). Then write your message!
Add attachments (max 3MB in total) and then send a test mail to yourself by clicking on the box to see how it looks like.
Then click on send to distribute to the selected members or click on save as draft to continue later.
That's it!
Watch this video to learn how.More help here.