March 3 Meeting Photos

Randy Skeie led the invocation.

Pete Sumey chose the song and led the pledge.

Anne Slack introduced guests.

Chip Sproul brought a guest, Virgil Yardoro.


Guests included Lois Sumey and Sally Park. All are welcome at Rotary!

Tara Moenning's guest was Wendy Koenig, who received a scholarship from the club in the 1970's.

"Big Duck" Rene Moquin is back and the 2016 Duck Race is going to be great!

Bruce Carmichael is leading the Golf Tournament Committee and wants you to sign up for the June 25 event.

Jay Harroff invites all to cheer on Daffney in upcoming track meets.

Kerrie Hill introduced our program.


A book for the library and a piece of the rock rounded out an informative program on the Wellness Center.