Members with us this morning were:  Rick Archer, Bill Choler, Jenny Coleman, Andy Denton, Mary Dula, Steve Dunton, Ray Evans, Mark Ferguson, Sue Figler, Jeff Film, Christina Gary, Dick Hall, Mike Kostyack, Tom Loepp, Gail Moseley, Annette Oborn, Dave Renninger, Leslee Salhany, Olivia Saltzmann Smedi, Steve Stimmel, Bob Sweitzer, Ron Taggart, Marty Tass, Linda Trevorrow, Eric Weber and Marissa Williams.  Guests were Allison Terlacher and Speaker, Pam Rickard of the Herren Project.
President Linda Trevorrow opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance and  Annette followed with the Serenity Prayer in honor of our speaker this morning.
Annette Oborn  reported that Bob came home last night after 12 days in the hospital.  The infection was severe but the antibiotics seem to be controlling it now.  He will eventually need a valve replacement for his heart.  Right now he is resting comfortably but is not up to visitors yet.  Annette expressed appreciation for all of the thoughts, prayers, e-mails and calls they have received.
Olivia Saltzmann Smedi reported that they are having a boy and his name will be Julius Henry.
Christina Gary reported that she received a note from Marv Mills.  He said he feels okay after his fall but that he misses being at Rotary.
Dick Hall received a call from Mike Sekulich.  He is struggling but now is able to see his wife twice a week for 20 minutes each visit.
Jennifer Coleman  described that today is Hystology Professionals Day.  She is happy to talk with people who are considering that type of career.
Marty Tass was happy to say that he and Debbie had their second vaccine. 
Leslee Salhany reported that Summit County Public Health has many openings for the vaccine right now.  She will be glad to help anyone who needs help get in to register.  She needs the person's name and a cell phone and e-mail address.  Text her at 330-928-1220 for assistance.
Mark Lucco's birthday is today and Don Greenleaf and Brad Ruth will celebrate birthdays later this week.
Wedding Anniversary: Lisa and Kelly Toppin celebrate 27 years of marriage this week.
Rotary Anniversaries:  Brad Ruth (22), Don Coughlin (21) and Rich Bedell (11) are all celebrating their anniversaries of joining the club this week.
Golf Outing: Dick Hall reported that everything is on track for the June 7 event.  The committee is open for donations for signage and hole sponsors.  A "save the date" card will go out soon.
Board Meeting will be this Friday, March 12 at 7:15 a.m. on zoom.  Board members are expected to attend but others are welcome.  There will be voting on a new member.
Easter Egg Hunt  Steve Dunton reported that as a result of his e-mail he has 6 volunteers so far for the March 27 event, and he also expects that Interact students will help.  
Program Host, Annette Oborn introduced Pam Rickard, Director of Engagement for the Herren Project.  The group engages in activities nationwide to support people in recovery and their families.  They provide recommendations for treatment resources, as well as education and prevention.  
The project centers on help for the diseases of addiction and mental health which they recognize affect not only the person experiencing the issues but their families as well.  Help is available for all.  
Pam's particular journey began where she grew up, in the Willoughby/Mentor area.  Her parents were divorced when she was the oldest of three children at age 8.  Through the years that followed, she experienced lots of anxiety and depression but overcompensated in high school and college.  She began experimenting with alcohol and used it to help her function.  In spite of that  she "looked good on the outside" while really struggling inside.  She was ashamed to say she needed help. Pam described this as a very common circumstance although the individual details are different.
April 7 of 2006, Pam entered a residential treatment center and acknowledged that she needed help.  At the time she had a teen-ager, an adolescent and a three-year old.  They all needed help.  She is happy now to report that she will accept 15 years of sobriety on April 17.  She acknowledged that she never drank when she was pregnant, breast-feeding or getting ready for a marathon.  Pam emphasized that recovery is possible and in fact the person can thrive and survive as a result of their treatment. 
During this current pandemic, Pam pointed out that the bad news is that the epidemics of mental illness and substance abuse have increased but that the good news is that awareness and resources have been made very available.
In explaining the Herren Project, Pam said that she has been a runner since her Ohio University days when some people dared each other to run in the school's Homecoming 5K.  Years later when she ran in the Boston Marathon she met Chris Herren a famous basketball player, and the Herren Project was born with the goal of connecing people to resources.Pam was contacted about raising money through running.  She began working from them out of her home to raise money through running  At this point over $2.5 million has been raised.
The project and Pam were featured in a book called A Race Like No Other by Liz Robbins.  For more information about the project, go to
JOKE:  Ron Taggart was in charge of our joke today and gave us a theological lesson related to nationalities and professions.  He can tell you the whole joke.  
Next week Jennifer Coleman is in charge of our joke.
President Linda dismissed us by saying that for next week's meeting we should all wear green for St. Patrick's Day.  And, she asked us to have a great week.
Submitted by Andy Denton