April 16th 2014 Rotary Meeting

INVOCATION: Katie Wright - shared a thoughtful and humorous invocation very enlightening. 

GUEST ANNOUNCER: Tom Leopp He was on fire today with humor, and stole my dollar. 

Last in was Ron Taggart. Happy Bucks: Katie Wright- Literacy Project- Delivered over 490 books to Akron Children Services great job Katie! Bob Sweitzer: Julie Sweitzer KSU Business received more scholarships and awards, he is very very proud.  Bruce Redmon: Good Grief Golf Outing - Is May 16th... It will be a great warm up for our golf outing. Thanked our sponsors from the club and encouraged us to get involved.  No Pin: Mike Sekulich, Rick Archer, Katie Wright. Birthdays: Dave Brandon April 22. Ticket: Lefty table had it and pulled 8 of clubs. 

PRESIDENT: Bob Oborn.  Kimpton Students thanked us for sponsoring the Stem Racing Car, from Kimpton STEM Club Gravity Racing Challenge,  at Derby Downs, Akron. May 15th we will have a logo on the car, and sponsors can get in an adult car and go down the hill if you want. See Dick Spangler for details. Food Bank Sign up sheets are going around. Please sign up. Please see Jim if you would like to Sarge of Arms, or participate in rotation of sarge, that would work too for next year. Andrea Denton read a few names and want us to get all our RSVPs in for the meet and greet next week again its Weds 23rd 5-6:30PM. Interact Talent show, is coming up please donate any gift cards that you can see if you can attend, May 16th. We are looking for members for the budget committee, please see Jim Callahan or Rich Bedell for interest.  April 30th Awards Committee, details from Dick Hall. Please be there 5:00 Black pants and white dress shirt, they will provide the tie. Mark Lucco, Golf outing: Sponsors he is giving invoices, if you are going to still want to sponsor, please contact him. Please start turning in your foursomes. Golf Outing committee, another meeting next Friday 7am, last one in buys. Reminder April 26-27 Quail Hollow is our District Conference Celebration. 

SPEAKER: Katie Wright announced the new program we are starting “Rotary Reads” As volunteers we will be able to help the ESL (English as Second Language) students. She is passing around a sign up sheet, the available day and time. Karen Moore- has a great bio, she is busy. Director of Academic Achievement.   There are 16 native languages spoken from our students that are coming into our district. We are focusing on these English Language Learners. In order First language English, Then Arabic, Spanish, Korean, Cantonese and so forth through the 16. This is a community based program, and this can be used as a makeup please sign up to volunteer to read to these children. Its for young elementary students. Its easy, and its 20-30 minutes of your time a week. Please make sure you contact Katie Wright or Karen Moore st_kmoore@smfcsd.org 330-689-5429 to register and get finger printed. 

SORRY, for frgments, run ons, and errors... REAL ESTATE IS BOOMING. 

Have a great week!  

 Yours in Service, 

Jacqueline Bowman

(330) 687-7300