Guests:  Donna, sister of Kathy Rose.  Marc Burr, Chardon Rotary.

Heads & Tails winner:  Fred Bemberg.

The Fun Committee reported that they had a good time on Saturday night at Spank and will be setting up another event soon.

A thank you was received from Maria Dellapina from Specs4us, our speaker last week.

Carole Cashion asked the club if we would be interested in going to a demonstration dinner at the Paganini Cooking School in Chesterland.  The cost for a private dinner is usually $75 per person but they will do $50 per person for Rotary.  Carole was thinking maybe a Friday or Saturday night in May.  A minimum of 12 people are required for a private dinner and, after a show of hands, it appeared we would have more than enough people interested.  More info to follow on this event.

Bob Johnson reminded the membership that the District Assembly will be February 16th at the Lakeland Community College Conference Center, located at 7700 Clocktower Drive in Kirtland.

Sharon Gingerich said that the Sun News is having their vote again for the best pancake breakfast.  She encouraged the membership to go to the BMR Facebook page and click "share" on the section for the pancake breakfast.  By doing so, the pancake breakfast information will show up on your personal Facebook page for all your friends to see.

Bob Varga's interview with Chuck White.  Chuck joined the club in 1983 and Rick Seyer, with some help from Fred Bemberg, was his sponsor.  He has been the Beamer editor and past president.  Chuck recalls the car show, the dictionary project, and the motorcycle run as his favorite projects.  He said the biggest issue facing Rotary is membership, which is the same problem that all volunteer organizations are dealing with right now.

Mike Pesek gave a report on the current status of the motorcycle run.  The date is going to be June 30th, noting that going forward it will always be the last Sunday in June.  This year the run will begin and end at the Geauga County Fairgrounds.  Mike is looking to make the motorcycle run a much larger and better funded program than it has been in the past, as sponsorship will be solicited from local business, etc, and the event will be heavily publicized.  In addition, there will be a motorcycle pull (much like a truck pull) after the ride and we are working on lining up the same group of military vehicles we had at the car show a few years back.  Donations will be accepted from the public if they want to attend.  The project will again benefit local veterans.  In cooperation with Habitat for Humanity, the project will fund home repairs for needy veterans in Geauga County.