The Beaconsfield Club
Holm Park Reserve
100 Beaconsfield-Emerald Road
Beaconsfield, Australia 3807

Tonight we will be joined by the members of the Rotary Club of Biggleswade from the UK District 1260. Michael Scott-Worthington and his Club members will be learning about BlazeAid from Vice President Isobel Caulfield. We should remember that the Rotary Club of Biggleswade donated money towards our fundraiser for two BlazeAid trailers just after the fires. It is very fitting that they can get some feedback from someone who has actually been doing a bit of BlazeAiding and using the type of trailers that we fundraised for and supplied BlazeAid.

It should be an interesting meeting! Hopefully, no one from the UK is still in their JimJams.

Please use the booking form: https://form.jotform.com/djbutton/RotaryBerwick-meetingbooking to book a meal, book as no meal, book for Zoom(free) or make an apology.

