For the information of Club Secretaries.

When a club wishes to change a member's type from Active to Honorary, the club secretary (or other executive) needs to do two things:-

  1. In the member's profile in CR, change the "Membership Type" from Active to Honorary (in the profile's "Rotary" tab). This will keep your district records up to date for billing purposes.
  2. Because there is no integration between CR and RI for this specific type of change, you also need to make a parallel change in RI's My Rotary - that is, change the Member Type from Active to Honorary. This will keep your RI records up to date for billing purposes.

This is one of the very few changes (if not the only one) that need to be made in RI as well as in ClubRunner. As all club secretaries know, all other changes (new members, terminated members or updated member information) need (and should) only be made in CR.