Elkhorn High School Auditorium
482 East Geneva St.
Elkhorn, WI  53121
United States of America

Join the Movement! Stop Human Trafficking, Eliminate Sexual Assault

We will welcome our local community leaders to discuss human trafficking, sexual assault, dating safety, and internet safety. We will then welcome a panel of those that are actively working to stop human trafficking and eliminate sexual assault in our community for a question and answer forum. Local agencies will be available to discuss resources.

Register for this FREE event at: http://bit.ly/JTMElkhorn19.
This event is FREE due to the generous support of Join the Movement Inc, Elkhorn High School, Aurora Health Care, Rotary Club of Elkhorn, Rotary Club of Lake Geneva, Sugar Creek Lutheran Church,  Calvary Community Church, and Walworth County UW-Extension.

For more information contact Dawn Heath at 262-374-1491 (cell) or dheath16@gmail.com.