A Guide for Rotary Clubs - What you need to know and do:
  1. Complete an Insurance Pro Forma & Risk Management Forms prior to the commencement of any Event or Project and submit to the DIO for approval.
  2. A Disclaimer-Release and Indemnity is required to participate in any sport, game, match, race, practice, training course, trial contest or competition organised by the club.
  3. Vendors, Stallholders who operate at club organised Markets/Swap Meets or the like must have their own insurance. “No insurance no come” rule to be strictly applied.
  4. If using Rotary Travel Insurance, a “Fit to Travel” letter must be obtained from a GP prior to departure.
  5. Offering cover under Rotary Insurance to other entities or bodies is strictly prohibited.
  6. All Youth Program Volunteers (as defined) must complete the Rotary Youth Volunteer Information and Declaration Form (refer page 33)
  7. Complete and return annual Club Insurance & Compliance Declaration Form asap but no later than the date specified (your DIO will provide the questionnaire to you for completion)
The following forms can downloaded :
Advise that for further information on Rotary Risk Management & Insurance matters please contact your District Insurance Officer (DIO) or your District Custodian.
If there are any Agreements requiring completion from Government, Local Government or private property owners, etc. they must be reviewed by District Insurance Officer (DIO).   For example the Royal Ag. Society contracts are too broad or our Insurance programme.