Preschool 4 Success is an opportunity to help more Minnesota children access to attend preschool.

Each Rotary Club in District 5950 will partner with their school district(s) to identify barriers to children being able to attend preschool and identify and implement possible solutions to help get more children in preschool.






Are there matching funds for the project from the district?


Can clubs combine on efforts?

Of course. In cities where there a more than one Rotary club, you have a great opportunity for collaboration on the project.

Does the money raised by a club(s) for this project stay in their club’s school district?

All the money raised for P4S stays with the club and local school district. However, if the club wants to help another club or district, that is welcomed.

Is this a short-term project?

Preschool 4 Success is a multi-year effort to boost enrollment in preschool across the district. Plan for at least three years.

Is there state aid to school districts for preschool?

Yes, but usually it doesn’t cover all the children who would benefit from preschool. Parents have to pay for preschool if their child attends.

Why is preschool important for a child?

Preschool builds social skills, vocabulary, and general preparation for kindergarten.

Don’t all schools offer free preschool?

Parents must pay to have children attend preschool. Some state aid is available but doesn’t cover many children.

Does preschool pay dividends to the community?

In a big way, preschool helps children in their academic careers, which translates into better employees and citizens.

Does it matter if a child goes to kindergarten without preschool?

Generally, no preschool means a child may be behind going into kindergarten.

Tell us about the St. Cloud Rotary Preschool 4 Success project. How many students benefitted?

In year one, 22 students were able to be in preschool in the Preschool 4 Success program. In year two, there are 96 P4S students.

How did you pay for the project?

Donations from Rotarians and community members, businesses and some grant money.

What barriers did you run into the first year of P4S?

Transportation, classroom space and public awareness.

Tell us about how the St. Cloud project turned into a signature project for 73 Rotary clubs in District 5950?

The Rotary Club of St. Cloud proved the concept of P4S, including funding and collaboration with the St. Cloud school district. A district task force made the final decision to select P4S as the District 5950’s first signature project.

How can a small club help the effort?

Yes, scholarship money can be collected from club members and local businesses. Even one scholarship is a victory.



For more information or questions on Pre-School for Success, please contact

John Bodette


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