The DG leadership line has exciting news for the District 5950 club leaders. As
part of continuity through the DG leadership line -- The Three Amigos -- District Governor Tom Gump approved a club membership grant for a one-year subscription for a Zoom Pro account for your Rotary Club. 
To apply, your club needs to:
1. The winners of the Zoom Pro account grant will receive an award letter that will consist of reimbursement instruction. 
2. Each winning club will be eligible for an additional zoom grant for the next Rotary year if the club increases membership by a net one to be determined by the end of the Rotary Year's RI membership report.
3. A third-year award of a free Zoom Pro account is possible if, by the end of the second Rotary year there is a further increase in membership by net one.  
4. Each club must qualify and apply for each year's grant. 
5. Clubs not applying by the September 30 deadline will not be eligible for a free Zoom Pro account in this program for the three years.
Newly chartered clubs, including satellite clubs, will get a free one-year Zoom Pro account and an additional two years of free Zoom Pro access if it meets the rules stated in points 1-4.
The district provides the opportunity for three years of free Zoom Pro access to aid clubs in providing a platform for members who cannot attend in-person meetings and increase membership. We are making sure we do not create barriers to membership. If you have any questions, and please email Guy Johnson (Mpls. Uptown) at