Rotary Coordinators
help you strengthen your clubs and membership
and work with you and your leadership team to:
Engage, Retain & Attract Members
- Create a district engagement and retention strategy that really works
- Utilize innovative strategies to vitalize membership
- (satellite clubs, associate/corporate/family memberships)
- Support new & non-traditional clubs
- Use Rotary Club Central
- Develop a multi-year membership strategy
- Provide engagement and retention workshops
- Share ready-to-implement membership tools for your clubs
Create Strong & Dynamic Clubs
Develop strategies to turn around at-risk clubs
Utilize “One Rotary” techniques to increase impact of Rotarian action
Conduct club vibrancy assessments
Develop succession and continuity plans
Guide the club transition from paper to Rotary Club Central
Increase the Impact of Humanitarian Service
Develop signature projects
Expand community service partnerships
Increase number of clubs achieving the Presidential Citation
Develop a district-wide Rotary Day that produces results
Utilize Rotary Showcase and Idea Platform for stronger service projects
Conduct Workshops, Training & Webinars
Provide/Support training for district and club leaders
Conduct workshops on topics including engagement and retention, creative leadership, One Rotary, Rotary Club Central and revitalizing struggling clubs
Provide support for Pre-PETS, PETS, Assembly and other district events
Conduct webinars that support achievement of district/club goals
If you would like assistance in building more dynamic clubs that attract and retain members and meet the changing need of the local and world community, contact a member of the Rotary Coordinator team.