How do I find our clubs Assistant Governor to contact them?
On the District Website got to District Organization Chart scroll down the page to the list of AG’s, if you click on “clubs” on the left hand side of each person, you will see each AG’s clubs listed.
If you haver over their name, you will see their contact information and an envelope to click on to email
Where do I find information on the District Committees? Go to the District website On the Menu bar> click on District Committees list for a list of committees>click on which committee you would like to know more about.
Where do I find information about District Youth Programs? On the District website> click on District Committees>in the dropdown menu, hover over Youth Services to see list of programs> click on tab for what information you are looking for (ie. RYLE, RYPEN, Youth Exchange, etc.)
How to submit information for the District newsletter, send the following information to