District Governor Phil Mariola spoke to our members on August 14th. Increasing and keeping members is his main focus for the year. A few clubs are experiencing membership woes and he has asked our club to assist the Lake Township club. Reaching out through social media is also on his to-do list. The district received $36,000 in grant monies for use in the district and for club projects through monies donated by  members to the RI foundation 3 years ago..
District projects include Operation Warm Coats, supporting Families of the Fallen, and the Central American Outreach (CAMP) project. We received a box to collect old cell phones to support this project.
International projects are of course Polio eradication and Serving Women in Ghana (SWG), a healthcare initiative. (www.servingwomenghana.org)
The following are upcoming District 6650 meetings and events:
09/26 Rotary & Social Media, Foltz Center
10/18 Rotary Leadership institute, Foltz Center
10/15 Western District Celebration, Canton Club
4/24-25 District Conference, Wooster