Posted by Sandra Schipul
Rotary Newsletter Wednesday October 15th, 2008

PRESENT: President Bob, Janice, Lew, William, Bill, Beatrice, Michael, Connie, Bart, Joan, Bob P., Sandi, Janet, Lisa, Diane and Bernie

GUESTS: Beverly Westerveld, Jan Nuboer

President Bob opened with the pending business of a change to our By- Laws to include a minimum monthly dinner fee of $15.00 and a voluntary prorated contribution of $8.00 to go towards the expected donation of $100 a year to the Rotary Foundation. The vote was unanimous to amend the By-Laws of the Scituate Rotary Club and be added as worded in the printout provided at the meeting.

Bill Coulter was back to share WOW and caused ripples of laughter to lighten our load of financial worries this week.

Bart reminded us that we should begin planning for June 21-24 for the RI Convention in Birmingham, UK. Bart's daughter secured three hotel rooms. Early sign up begins in December.

We had many HAPPY BUCKS for our guests, Beverly, Bernie's wife and Jan, Bart's brother. Also Lisa gave thanks for the save return of her nephew, Jarat, from service in Iraq. Walter praised the wonders of the Egyptian pyramids he got to see first hand last month. Joan celebrated a birthday and was serenaded in Rotary style! Ben encouraged his Happy Bucks for USO and its "Operation Care Package" to be matched by the club, and so we will!

Our guest speaker, Jan Nuboer, gave his presentation on his current perspective of France. It was very interesting, as Jan is a dual citizen of both France and the Netherlands. He resides in Le Bugue. His wife is French, so he has had complete emergence in French culture.
One of his observations was that the unification of Europe has greatly reduced the individual identities of its nations and so France has become less and less distinctive over the recent years. However, the haute cuisine that France has always been noted for has not yet disappeared and is reflected in the school lunch programs that begin with h'ors d'oeuvres, includes a hot main course and always ends with a great dessert! Bon appetite, mes aimes! He delved into the politics of the past and present presidencies and said that under the present administration, the relations between America and France are much improved.

All eyes to the heavens next week as the Astronomical Society will be setting up their telescopes for all to marvel at the planets and constellations.

Respectfully submitted,
