Posted by Lois Brandes on May 14, 2013
May 8th, 2013: John Clarkeson - Water Needs in the Year 2035

The weekly meeting of Scituate Rotary Club was convened at 6:30 PM on May 8th,  by President, Joe Kelley, at The Scituate Country Club.

Those present were Dietrich Bilger, Lambert Brandes, Lois Brandes, John Clarkson, Jamie Gilmore, Walter Heller, Michael Johnson, Joe Kelley,  John Miller, Connie Mitchell, Sue O’Brien, Judy Price, Joan Powers, Bob Schipul, Sandi Schipul, Jack Stebe, Ben Summers, Lisa Tompson, and Bernie Westerveld.

Joe led The Pledge to The American Flag, and Sandi offered the Invocation.  All spoke The Four Way Test.

Joe Kelley reported that the RYLA Feed The Hungry Campaign was a tremendous success.  Because of this effort, fifteen, 32 lb boxes of food packets have been distributed to organizations that help the needy. 

The secretary’s report was read and accepted. 

The proof reading of The Phone Book is finished, and is now in the hands of Ed Fox.

An Installation Ceremony was held for our new member, Sue O’Brien.  Dietrich Bilger spoke about the mission of Rotary, and the motto, Service Above Self.  Walter Heller sponsored Sue, and Joan took pictures.  All welcomed Sue into Scituate Rotary. 

Scituate Rotary received a generous contribution from Regina Fitzgerald to be applied to The Jed Fitzgerald Scholarship.  Scituate Rotary gratefully acknowledges Mrs. Fitzgerald’s thoughtful kindness. 

There will be two Alden Mitchell Scholarships, and two Jed Fitzgerald Scholarships awarded to Scituate High School Students this year.  Lisa Tompson is chairing this endeavor. 

After dinner and Happy Sad Bucks, James Clarkson, from Scituate Water Resources, was our speaker of the evening.  There is much behind our morning shower, the glass of water with dinner, the wash load of sheets and towels, and the watering of lawns and gardens that we take for granted and rarely think about until there is a water shortage.   Conservation, supply systems, availability, ground water, surface water, storm water systems, watershed, control organizations are only some of the topics that James touched upon. 

Because of the passion and high level of interest in this topic, we did not adjourn until 8:25.

Respectfully submitted,
Lois Brandes
