Posted by Sandra Schipul

Rotary Newsletter May 27th, 2009: Club Vision Session

Rotary Newsletter May 27TH, 2009

President Bob, Dietrich, Janice, Lew, William, Candace, Catherine, Eric, Jamie, Walter, Michael, Karen, Bart, Joan, Bob P., Sandi, Janet, Ben, Diane and Bernie were in attendance for a Club Vision Session. It was led by fellow Rotarians: PDG. TERRI FITCH, JAN TRACZYK, JONATHAN YOUNG, ANGELA PONTE and JOE CLANCEY.


Our members took a moment to note that Joyce and Bill Coulter will be moving from Duxbury in just a few short weeks and that Bill will be transferring his Rotary membership to the Clinton Club, where he served many years as his father before him and where his son Jay is also an active member. We already miss you both and look forward to a guest visit in the near future and a musical WOW.


In view of just celebrating our 40th Anniversary, we were reminded by the Visioning Team that WE have been an active Rotary Club for 40 years and that our thoughts should focus on: WHO ARE WE, WHERE ARE WE GOING, HOW DO WE GET THERE and HOW DO WE KNOW WE HAVE ARRIVED??????


Verrrrrry interesting..and to think that the team had come equipped with pens and markers and a ton of easel paper to extract from each of us a VISION for the FUTURE.


To begin with, all we need is FOCUS to know where the Club is going, so a three-C triangle was devised for that purpose. The 3-C's being: CONSISTANCY, CONSENSUS, and CONTINUITY. So we embarked on a 5 year VISION of where our Club should go, given the wildest of expectations!!! And away we go..


There was so much synergy that we had a hard time containing our ideas and definitely made our facilitators work hard to condense them into written statements that overflowed from the easels and onto every possible space on our dining room walls!!!!! (where they were taped, to look at and review)


WOW, what an ambitious roomful of 20 Rotarians, to envision 100 members, $100,000 annual fundraisers, world peace and community support at every level. We certainly look forward to the detailed power point presentation of our dreams for 2015 that Terri and team will bring back to us in a few weeks.


So, all who want to peek at the future, be sure to join us on the date that will be determined!


Meanwhile, next week we meet at the Country Club to be mesmerized by Bernie Westerveld and his voyage on the Internet Highway-from computers to Internet.






