(The following narrative is a continuation of a series of how a member was introduced to Rotary and subsequent memories. If you would like Rotary to be part of your life's story, please contact Joyce Cave at caveclan@yahoo.com.)
Marcia Cohn-Lyle
Rotarian since November 1, 1993
October 2020
My career with Rotary began in 1993, shortly after women were allowed. I joined the Foster City Rotary Club around the same time as Lee Bray and Janet Galeno. I was welcomed with a very warm acceptance and made me very proud to be a Rotarian. A decade later, I had worked my way to the club's presidency in 2003-4. My presidential year was marked with a year long contest to about 80 members to wear different and funny hats to the meetings. B.J. Bramlett won a $50 gift card for her consistent efforts. Rotary memberships were achieved by Lee Bray, Pat Nutting, Curtis Chen, Elaine Pitts, and husband Bill Lyle through my recommendations and sponsorships.
I am religiously Rotarian (officially a secular Jew), believing that Rotary affords me the best opportunity to do good works around the world. Family has always important to my life. I have been widowed twice, currently 84, with a son and 2 daughters (Steve 64 in FC, Laura 62 in Denver, Caraly 60 in Denver). I have 4 grandkids and 2 great grandkids. Husband Bill and I donated generously to Rotary in the belief that our efforts produced incredible results, such as the eradication (almost) of polio around the world. Bill and I went on a few Mexico trips to deliver playground equipment. We drove our van filled with soccer equipment and a number of Interact teenagers. It was very satisfying as we witnessed the Mexican kids so eager to use the equipment when the new paint jobs were not dry yet. We enjoyed our Spaghetti Bingo nights, bringing my kids and grandkids. Bill and I and our FC family always attended the 4th of July Pancake Breakfast as Bill helped clean up and I did condiment refills.
One of my favorite Rotary highlights was in 2009 where I was a member of the winning bocce team in the Rotary Bocce League (see photo). Other members of our team, to my recollection, were Mike Hoffman and the then FC Police Chief MacDonald.
Community service and educational focus dominated my life. My Master’s Degree in Teaching English as a Foreign Language to Adults encouraged me to start a 3-level program in FC, which lasted 25 years. In Guatemala I was Head of the English Dept. at Collegio Americano del Valle for 3 years. In Colorado I managed the EFL program for Vietnamese POWs for 2 years. I also taught at the CA English Academy in SF for 2 years. and tried real estate for 4 years.
While Rotay has been the primary focus, I am proud of these accomplishments: Friends of the Library Volunteer of the Year 2000. First ever person from Foster City, San Mateo Union High School District Board of Trustees 1995-2007 (with 17K votes throughout the district). FC Community Wall of Fame 2002. Charter member FC Historical Society and Treasurer.
From 2015-2018 I left Rotary to take care of Bill in So.CA., returning in time to be confronted with Covid-19. While physically I continue to remain an active member as I can be, the monthly Zoom meetings are a challenge as my computer and Zoom do not get along.