Tuesday:   With the world moving in more violent directions you might want to have an understanding of how to react in an “Active Shooter” situation.  Come Tuesday and learn!
Looking Forward:
We have a few important events coming up. 
  • Happy Birthday Club 32!  First and foremost, don’t miss our birthday party and help us meet our grant match fund raising goal!  Western attire is the call for the evening!  In the immortal words of my alma mater “Howdy Rotarians!”  (“Howdy” is the traditional greeting to all visitors at Texas A&M.)
  • Go Fund Me Page for the Trauma Project.  Help us join the digital age of fund raising.  Staci has create our page at:  https://www.gofundme.com/rotary32traumaproject.  Be among the first to go digital and support our Trauma Project with SJSD!
  • Annual Meeting:  Club 32 will hold an annual meeting on December 12, 2017.  There are a few important items to consider (all of which you will receive in advance).  Watch your email over the next two weeks for the revised Constitutions and By-Laws, the nominating committee’s slate for 2018-2019, and our membership drive!
  • Happy Holidays celebration:  December 19th will be our Holiday luncheon.  Please plan to bring your favorite guest to join us.  Becky Boerkircher is arranging the party and I hear she is really good at it!
  • Reminder:  We will not meet December 26th or January 2nd!