January 29 2020
Our meeting this week was at the Centre for Autism Services Alberta.
We were treated to a tour of the facility and a  brief video presentation and discussion about the services offered by the Centre.
Our Robust reds chair, Deb Jack, presented a check to  the Centre for their share of the proceeds from Robust Reds 2019. The cheque was for $16,752.
The Centre has partnered with us in putting on Robust Reds for many years. This was the first opportunity I had to see their premises and to get a glimpse of qhat it is that they do.  We were all very impressed
Their Mission: To provide comprehensive and innovative supports and services to those affected by autism spectrum disorder
Their Vision: Individuals with autism spectrum disorder lead meaningful, engaged lives
I encourage you to check out their website https://centreforautism.ab.ca/