Welcome to the Rotary Club of Camrose!
Our Club welcomes new members at any time.  You can join as an Individual member or as a Corporate member.  Corporate members appoint a primary contact and up to 3 additional designee members.  The way to become a member is to have a Rotarian put your name forward to the Club as a potential member.  You are invited to attend one or two meetings to get a sense of what Rotary is about, or more importantly, who it is about..  Then there is a proposal form to be completed.  Your Rotarian sponsor will guide you through the process, and stay in close contact with you for the first few months of membership.  There is a lot to learn about Rotary!
Come join us by contacting a Rotarian or simply coming to one of our regular meetings.  The times are listed on the Home Page. We would love to meet you!