reStart is a transitional shelter and services for clients moving from homelessness to stable housing, families between housing situation, and working or disabled individuals who are establishing residency requirements to move into stable housing. Emily Randel acquainted the club with ReStart's programs and an opportunity for service. The facility has an institutional kitchen with a cook who handles shopping, preparation, serving and cleanup on her own. Tyler can always use help! She is a young mother who is dedicated to the program, clients and staff at ReStart. She helped at ReStart in High School for her National Honor Society volunteer hours and fell in love with the service/program/outreach. This past Sunday Joe Bast, Sandy Russell and Barb Jones volunteered. They helped with preparation, serving and cleanup.  The following is a snapshot BEFORE their shift (5-7) started. By the time they were done, more than 60 people had been served fresh salad, home made chicken enchiladas, fresh fruit, and dessert. 
You may have heard that ReStart is slated to shut down. Federal, state and city funds have been redirected to other programs. If they found funding for this year's budget and beyond they could continue. Read about their services!