March 16, 2023
A delicious meal of corned beef and cabbage was our featured St. Patrick's Day dinner tonight and the large crowd also enjoyed the presentation by the Wicomico County Department of Recreation, Parks, and Tourism Director Steve Miller.
Mr. Miller provided club members and guests updates on recently completed parks and recreation projects, projects that are underway, and things in the planning process.
There are many things being done by this county government agency to improve the quality of life for county residents and visitors.
Want to join People of Action club members?  Contact Ginnie Malone at 410-251-6188 or  We meet weekly on Thursday evenings for dinner at our Rotary Scout and Community Center along Riverside Drive near Salisbury.  You might enjoy the fellowship, community service projects, and the interesting speakers at many of our meetings.  And unlike Rotary of days gone by, there no longer is an attendance requirement.  Members can attend and participate in club events as they choose.