April 24, 2024
The Rotary Club of Salisbury, in its 105th year of service to our community, offers a community-based golf outing to raise money to share with local non-profit and charitable organizations.
A Round for the Community, presented by Meuse Post 194 Veterans of Foreign Wars, is the theme for this annual event. It’s a round of golf to help the Rotary Club of Salisbury stay around to help other organizations perform their missions to help our neighbors. All proceeds are used to enhance and expand Rotary’s commitment to help students, veterans, families in need, and others who need assistance.
The sponsorship/registration form is in the Download section of this website.
Using a shotgun, best-ball format, the 9:00 tee off time event will conclude with lunch and the presentation of door prizes, best team performance prizes, and individual golfer competition prizes including closest to the hole, longest putt made, straightest drive and longest drive. Only 72 players will be allowed. For more information, contact Golf Committee Chairman Bill Satterfield at billsatt@comcast.net
Proceeds from the 2023 A Round for the Community went to Disabled American Veterans Salisbury Chapter 34, the Humane Society of Wicomico County, Salisbury Urban Ministries, Christian Shelter, One Year to Empowerment, Rebirth, Dove Pointe, Main Street Gym, Epoch Dream Center, Crossroads Early Intervention, Horizons Delmarva, Inc., Village of Hope, United Way of the Lower Eastern Shore, Salisbury Christian School, Team 360, Destination Imagination, U.S. Kennels, Operation We Care, Fruitland Little League, and Junior Achievement.
Service Above Self
Salisbury, MD 21801
United States of America