2025 Scholarships 2025-02-04 06:00:00Z 0
New Rotary President 2022-08-07 05:00:00Z 0
Rotarians Travel to Cozumel with Needed Supplies 2018-01-31 06:00:00Z 0

RYLA Students - 2017

Posted by Jessica Harrell on Aug 09, 2017
Greenville Noon Rotary was delighted to hear from the latest RYLA (Rotary Youth Leadership Awards) participants during our August 9th meeting!
RYLA Students - 2017 Jessica Harrell 2017-08-09 05:00:00Z 0
District Governor Rick Amsberry Jessica Harrell 2017-08-02 05:00:00Z 0
Tools for Schools Jessica Harrell 2017-07-26 05:00:00Z 0
Rotary wins prestigious Silver Telly for AIDS documentary Adam Ross 2015-03-16 05:00:00Z 0
World Polio Day: Health officials laud polio eradication achievements, point to disease’s endgame Ryan Hyland 2014-10-24 00:00:00Z 0
The White House honors Rotary women for their humanitarian service Adam Ross 2014-10-08 00:00:00Z 0

Sir Emeka announces $1M gift for polio at Sydney convention

Posted by Ryan Hyland on Jun 02, 2014

Nigerian business leader and philanthropist Sir Emeka Offor announced a $1 million gift to The Rotary Foundation for polio eradication efforts at the Rotary Convention in Sydney.

Sir Emeka, who is executive vice chair of the Chrome Group, has made contributions to to rid the world of this deadly disease totaling more than $3.1 million, including a $1 million gift he announced at the 2013 convention. He told the attendees at the third plenary session on Tuesday that his commitment to ending polio is a personal one.

Sir Emeka announces $1M gift for polio at Sydney convention Ryan Hyland 2014-06-03 00:00:00Z 0

Happy Bucks

Posted by Gloria Jordan on Mar 05, 2013
  Happy Bucks in March/April are going to the Senior Resource Center

Happy Bucks Gloria Jordan 2013-03-06 00:00:00Z 0
We are Missing Pieces!! Gloria Jordan 2012-11-06 00:00:00Z 0
Vocational Training Teams Gloria Jordan 2012-10-23 00:00:00Z 0
Polio eradication takes center stage Gloria Jordan 2012-10-09 00:00:00Z 0
Why Rotary Now? Gloria Jordan 2012-09-25 00:00:00Z 0

One Decision Can Change Everything - Organ Donor Awareness

Posted by Dana Cash on Aug 27, 2012

DanaOne decision can change everything. Haven’t we all heard those words before? Nothing can be truer. After going through RILI training last January, a simple class exercise took hold, and I realized how I could make a bigger difference with my Rotary service. We all have our “pet” projects. Mine is to spread the word about the importance of becoming an organ donor. By sharing my story with you, I pray that you will join me, as individuals and Rotarians, to spread the word.

One Decision Can Change Everything - Organ Donor Awareness Dana Cash 2012-08-28 00:00:00Z 0
Clean Water for the World Gloria Jordan 2012-08-07 00:00:00Z 0

What's Your Goal For Membership Month?

Posted by Gloria Jordan on Aug 06, 2012

August is Rotary Membership and Extension Month, I will:

  • __volunteer as a mentor to a prospective or new member
  • __invite one or more Rotary New Generations or educational program alumni to a club meeting or community service project
What's Your Goal For Membership Month? Gloria Jordan 2012-08-07 00:00:00Z 0

August is Membership & Extension Month

Posted by Gloria Jordan on Jul 30, 2012
Why are you a Rotarian?
Share your passion for Rotary with your family, friends, and community during Membership and Extension Month in August. This year you’re invited to take part in two activities designed to help you remember why you joined Rotary, what keeps you coming back, and why others should join.

First, take the Rotary Membership Challenge. Commit to sponsor a new member, tell a friend or colleague about your club’s projects, or volunteer as a mentor to prospective or new members. After you complete the form we’ll email you links to resources to help you meet the challenge!

Second, participate in the first-ever Rotary Moment Tweet Day on 14 August. Tweet about your favorite Rotary memory or event, talk about your club’s activities, or share your community service project. Use hashtag #RotaryMoment.

Not on Twitter? Listen to Rotary’s popular webinar Using Social Media to Promote Your Club or District to learn how to create a Twitter account, post your first tweet, use hashtags, and lots more.

August is Membership & Extension Month Gloria Jordan 2012-07-31 00:00:00Z 0

July Board Notes

Posted by Gloria Jordan on Jul 09, 2012
Here are some highlights from the July Board meeting to keep you up to date:
  • Thank yous received from Jerry Speight (Rotary Citizen of the Year & Aubrey Tucker (Scholarship recipient)
  • Reviewed and approved budget (It will be posted soon in the Documents section)
  • Haunted House project to be a fundraiser for both the Club and The Landmark on Lee Street.  Club matched Landmark's $2000 contribution for seed money for construction and marketing.
  • Andrew (Membership Chair) wants to encourage members to either bring prospective members or give him names for invitees.
  • Pam (Service Chair) wants to continue with at least one project per month - July is FISH, August will be Tools for School and Landmark workdays
  • Kim reminded everyone that lower priced cabins must be committed by August - otherwise price will go up. These are for cruise to complete our International Project.
  • Governor will visit on August 8

Full minutes will be posted in the Documents area.

July Board Notes Gloria Jordan 2012-07-10 00:00:00Z 0
Share with Friends! Gloria Jordan 2012-06-05 00:00:00Z 0
A video produced by the Rotary Club of Lane Cove, NSW, Australia featuring renowned Australian newsreader Roger Climpson, himself a Rotarian. Gloria Jordan 2012-05-22 00:00:00Z 0
Chad Hennings Promotes Rotary Gloria Jordan 2012-05-08 00:00:00Z 0
March is Rotary Literacy Month Gloria Jordan 2012-03-13 00:00:00Z 0

Cozumel Service Project Report

Posted by Gloria Jordan on Mar 12, 2012

Kim Quimby and Bill Rolston, with a little help from their friends, will provide a report on the recent trip by our Rotary Club members to complete the next Chapter in our Cozumel International Project in Mexico.

 Greeters:  Clay Hodges and Jeanette Moser

Cozumel Service Project Report Gloria Jordan 2012-03-13 00:00:00Z 0
New Generations Month - Learn a little about this newest avenue of service. Gloria Jordan 2011-09-20 00:00:00Z 0
Rotary Minute Gloria Jordan 2011-08-23 00:00:00Z 0
Rotary Future Gloria Jordan 2011-08-16 00:00:00Z 0
Is Our Club Family Friendly?? Gloria Jordan 2011-08-09 00:00:00Z 0
What is Rotary? Gloria Jordan 2011-08-01 00:00:00Z 0

07-13-2011 Col. Keith McBride - 40 Years Through a USAF Lens

Posted by Gloria Jordan on Jul 04, 2011

Col. Keith McBride - 1990 - 2030 - 40 Years Through A USAF Lens 


Col. Keith McBride, of the USAF, former graduate of Greenville High, and son of Rotarian Don McBride, spoke to Greenville Rotary on July 13. Colonel McBride presented information regarding the Air Force’s core values: “Integrity First, Service Before Self, and Excellence in All We Do.” He covered several interesting topics, including a timeline of technological changes in the USAF, as well as a comparison of the precision weapons of Desert Storm, today’s military and exciting changes for the future. Many members of the McBride family were also in attendance.

07-13-2011 Col. Keith McBride - 40 Years Through a USAF Lens Gloria Jordan 2011-07-05 00:00:00Z 0

International Service Project - Feb 2011

Posted by Gloria Jordan on Feb 17, 2011

President Kim will be brfinging most of the school supplies.  So we will need a few people to stay after Rotary and stuff backpacks.  We want everyone to take a backpack to carry onboard.

 The t-shirts are also in so those will be passed out as well.

 And don't forget the Saturday night sail away party at the Blue Armadillo.  Wear your shirts if you have them.  Not going on the cruise?  Come on down and wish us bon voyage!

International Service Project - Feb 2011 Gloria Jordan 2011-02-18 00:00:00Z 0
Rotary Youth in our District Gloria Jordan 0
Bill Gates talks to Rotarians Gloria Jordan 0
What is Rotary - Great short about us!! Gloria Jordan 0
September is New Generations Month - the 5th Avenue of Service Gloria Jordan 0

Rotary International Awards Ceramony

Posted by Gloria Jordan
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Last Thursday evening Rotary Interanational held their Awards Ceramony in Dallas. Greenville was regcognized in several area's including the Presidential Citation and Kim Quimby's nomination for the Leadership award. Ron Martin was given a special Governors Recognition Award for the work he has done this past year over and above his regular duties in Rotary. All in All a good evening.
Rotary International Awards Ceramony Gloria Jordan 0

World Polio Day

Posted by Aimee Fomby
As you may know, Sunday, 24 October 2010 is World Polio Day. In honor of World Polio Day, The Rotary Foundation is happy to announce 2 for 1 recognition points for every online contribution of $100.00 or more made to PolioPlus during 18-24 October 2010.

It was previously reported that points would be earned only after a Rotarian has achieved Paul Harris Fellow level.  This is normally true, but this 2 for 1 is a special, limited time offer (Oct 18 - 24, 2101) that will give recognition points to anyone who contributes $100 or more to Polio Plus.  The rules will revert back to points earned after Paul Harris Fellow level only after 10/24.
Sorry if the earlier emails confused anyone.
Rotarians may go to www.rotary.org/contribute to make their online contribution.  Rotarians will need to be registered with Rotary's Member Access.  Through Member Access, Rotarians are able to access online services and features. 
Rotarians may register for Member Access at www.rotary.org/memberaccess.

You will still feel good about yourself.
Don Carter
Governor’s Aide
District Governor Linda Elliott – 2010-2011
Rotary International Foundation
"A Charity of Choice"

Not a Rotarian?  Go to www.rotary.org to contribute. 

World Polio Day Aimee Fomby 0
2009-2010 Rotarian of the Year Dennisha Denney Gloria Jordan 0

85th Anniversary

Posted by Gloria Jordan
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The club celebrated its 85th Anniversary.  It was chartered 85 years ago.  Paul Mathews was the longest member with perfect attendance before he passed away.  Charles Shirey is the next longest Rotarian with the most years in membership.  We celebrated it with a cake with the logo and anniversary on it.
85th Anniversary Gloria Jordan 0
Lost Another Member - Ron Rabb Gloria Jordan 0

In Our Memories-Lonnie Jones

Posted by Gloria Jordan
Lonnie Jones passed away this last weekend.  He is a Past District Governor from the Galveston Area.  Upon moving back to Greenville, he joined our club and married the Ann Prince.  He was a great Rotarian and will be missed.
In Our Memories-Lonnie Jones Gloria Jordan 0

On A Sad Note - Logan Wilson

Posted by Gloria Jordan
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Logan Wilson passed away over the weekend.  He was a Past President of our club and kept active until just a couple of years ago. Keep his family in your prayers.
On A Sad Note - Logan Wilson Gloria Jordan 0

2008 - 2009 Citizen of the Year -Al Swanson

Posted by Gloria Jordan
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Congratulations to Al Swanson.  This one was a surprise!  We got him there for "entertainment" - and he did a great job!  When it was time to award Citizen of the Year, he was really surprised!
2008 - 2009 Citizen of the Year -Al Swanson Gloria Jordan 0
2008-2009 Rotarian of the Year - Kim Quimby Gloria Jordan 0
Trash Off Day was great! April 2009 Gloria Jordan 0

Make A Difference Day Octr 2008

Posted by Gloria Jordan
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7 members showed up (at one time or another) for Make a Difference Day!  Way to put Service Above Self!
Make A Difference Day Octr 2008 Gloria Jordan 0
A Little Bit of Fun - from Jocoe's Journal Gloria Jordan 0

Tanner Cash Eagle Project - Oct 2008

Posted by Gloria Jordan
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John Coble presented a check to Tanner Cash for his Eagle Scout Project to sigh up organ donors.  He held a free concert and had 26 people sign up to be donars.  He is still receiving calls for the program.

The concert was a free blues concert for Awareness for Organ Donation October 11 at the Municipal auditorium.  His awareneness of this cause was due to his grandad's kidney transplant.  Roosevelt Twitty was the headliner and is also on the Donation List.  To "recycle" yourself, he asks that we go to the website donatelifetexas.org for more information.  He would like for everyone to get people to sign up for organ donation.
Tanner Cash Eagle Project - Oct 2008 Gloria Jordan 0