Cheers! Around the World in 80 Toasts
Aug 20, 2021 12:00 PM
Brandon Cook
Cheers! Around the World in 80 Toasts

Brandon Cook: Cheers! Around the World in 80 Toasts

For somebody not quite out of his twenties, Brandon Cook has experienced a lifetime of travel around the world. In the process, he picked up an affinity for the custom of toasting in the local language, and sometimes the literal translation is quite amusing. As Brandon delved into the linguistics and local lore, he found there is often a fascinating story behind each toast.

Brandon’s elegant hardbound book, “Cheers! Around the World in 80 Toasts,” and his presentation touch upon 80 countries worth of cultural differences and customs that vary widely yet inevitably lead to two things in common when it comes to social drinking: a salutation and the clinking of glasses! 

See these links for information about Brandon’s book:,’,

Brandon provided our Club with some terrifically entertaining stories of how he coped with the challenges of extensive travel, language learning, and making memorable connections with fellow imbibers within very short periods of time. (Hint: alcohol always helps!)   Brandon's presentation was wonderful and we look forward to seeing Brandon's success as a rising Southlake literary star.

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