Dec 03, 2021 12:00 PM
James Durham
Personal Development – Building the Best You

In Sept 2011 James Durham suffered a near fatal motorcycle accident and severe traumatic brain injury in San Antonio, Texas.  His miraculous recovery, positive outlook, determination, and desire to help others inspires others to do the same.

On Friday, Dec. 2, James will be presenting an abbreviated version of his workshop "Personal Development – Building the Best You". This includes:

              - The qualities successful people possess

              - Learn how to get more of the things money will buy and all the things money won't buy

              - How to keep yourself motivated and striving toward your goals

              - The importance of the words you choose

              - The power of taking the first step

              - And more!

Join us at noon at Timarron Country Club for an inspiring, informative and motivating luncheon presentation!

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