Looking for simple ways to help protect the environment? Here is one thing you can do just using your phone. Download the Seward Historic Walking Tour Map from the bar code on the window decal at the Seward Community Library & Museum, or the Chamber of Commerce, rather than taking a paper copy. It saves paper and litter in our community. It also saves money on our taxes.
How can that be? Well, the Historic Walking Tour, created by the Historic Preservation Commission and partners, including the Seward Rotary Club, created 26 signs around town and a paper map to go with it. The Seward Chamber of Commerce recommends having 100,000 of these paper maps per season to meet the expected demand by tourists.  That is a lot of maps….at least a truckload per summer. And, it costs about $10,000 to create them. In the future the city will likely purchase these, meaning our taxes pay for them.
Downloading the map on your phone is simple. We estimate 20-30% of people will do it, saving paper from 20,000-30,000 maps and saving $2,000-$3000 per year. Here is what it looks like, and you can download the map now by putting your phone into camera mode and holding it up to the code as if to take a picture. A web address may appear, click on it to be able to download the map.  If you don’t see any of that, you may need to turn on allowing QR codes in your settings.

The decals were paid for by the Seward Rotary Club and the design time was donated by Corvis Designs, who created the sign designs for the Historic Walking Tour.  Thanks to our partners at Resurrection Bay Historical Society for the great idea, and the Historic Preservation Commission, Seward Community Library and Museum, and Seward Community Library Association for your support in making this happen.  Thank you to the Seward Chamber of Commerce for helping to protect the environment.