CSA Work Party

President’s Greeting:    Our call to action for 2011-12 is to “Reach Within to Embrace Humanity”


Pledge of Allegiance: Dr. Bob Williams


Thought for the Day:  Dennis Kobza


Song of the Day:  Alan Goodman led us in “Take Me Out to the Ballgame.”


General Club Announcements:


*      Fond regards and Happy New Year’s greeting from Jim Spangler, Judy Hannemann, Jim Cunninghame and Fred Storek who are on their way back from the Fiesta Bowl in Arizona.


*      Thank you to Tom Myers for leading the last meeting of 2011


*      Both District resolutions that we voted on a few weeks ago – one to adopt a sexual harassment policy and another to change the age for participation in Rotaract – were defeated, the latter significantly so.


*      We have been asked to submit new officers for the 2012-13 year so if anyone is interested in a particular area, please talk with Tom Myers who is working on the slate for next year.


*      Crab Feed Update from Alan Goodman.  Price of crab is up so we need to sell LOTS  of tickets.  He circulated the sign up sheet for all activities of the day.  He has the sheet from last year so he knows what you did!



Rotary Jeopardy – Bruce Barsi.  Monique Kaned guessed correctly so she had no fine.  Walt Joyce, Chuck Osborn, and Heather Stenshamn all missed their questions and paid fines.





SPEAKER INTRO & PRESENTATION: Chuck Osborn introduces Ted Atlas.  Ted is local, from Campbell, and has written a book about the history of Candlestick Park.  From its design through construction and up dating. He gave us a video presentation with pictures he procured from various sources.  He attended the first and last baseball game there as well as many football games.  He also had pictures of the last Beatles public performance.  What a difference in stage presentation!  He had some soft cover books available for purchase.


Next week’s presenter is Luu Tran who will be talking about “Cloud Solutions from mint.com” – this looks like a great presentation for all those New Year’s resolution that we all made to be more organized, especially with our finances. The mint.com website describes the company as “the free way to see all your finances in one place. From any place.” – good to know when you’re considering a purchase that you may not need, but really want.


Our greeter, thought for the day, and scribe is Bill Maston.