MV Rotary
By Jim Spangler
Ring Bell                                 12:30
Presidents Greeting
Pledge                                     Scott Johnson
Thought                                   Jim Spangler - Remember When Times are tough
No Song – Phil Armi still in El Camino, Alan not present
Meet and Greet
Ring Bell
Visiting Rotarian’s and Guests – Paul
            Guest: Bill Atwood (Torrie’s Dad) Tom (Judy’s partner)
            Rotarian: Steve Gershikan  - Los Altos
Vocational Talk:          Tom Meyers.  20 yrs with CSA, heads a team of 32 to assist those in need in our community.  Spoke of the effects of Polio on his life and pride of being part of Rotary, doing all to eliminate.
            4fer:                             Jim Spangler
            Presidents Club:          Fred Storek
            Next Board Meeting:  November 21, 2019
Com. Services:            Dave Cole, Opportunities with CSMA, San Mateo County Emergency response Prep.
Membership:               Jerylann – 2 in the pipeline and 1 other possibility
Foundation:                 Monique, Jim Cochrane honored
Socials:                        Torrie – Next hosted by Anita, 10/29 5:30
Others:                        Cops and Gobblers, Sunday 11/24 9AM MVPD
                                    Police and Fire Foundation Dinner 11/2 at Shoreline
Program: Judy Hannaman introduced Dawn Maher, interim CEO of the Mountain View Chamber.  Update on multiple programs underway within the Chamber.  This years Art and Wine Fest. Was a success and the budget was met.  Chamber has nearly doubled their membership to 740 members but still has plenty of opportunity to increase further (only 20% of MV Businesses) Interviews for the new permanent CEO are being held and the replacement should be in place by January.  Up coming events are the Athena awards 11/21 and the Tech Expo and Show in July.  The mission statement of the Chamber is to Protect the unique and vibrant Community balance we have in Mountain View.
Next 4fer is Scott Johnson.  No future vocational talk is scheduled.