Meeting Minutes – April 17, 2018

Mountain View Rotary Club

Notes by Jim Cochran

Bert Raphael, or President-Elect opened the meeting with an introduction and a statement of our themes for 2018.
Anita let the Pledge of Allegiance, while Phil led us in God Bless America.  John Akkaya gave the thought for the day: Let us have peace.
Thanks to John Akkaya for bringing the desert today.
Several were asked to provide a report on the District Training Assembly last Saturday.
Community Service Announcements – Dave and Jim
            Tree planting with Canopy at Crittenden School on May 5th, 9 AM
            Community School of Music and Art needs help ushering
            The Stevens Creek cleanup project meets at 9 AM, April 22nd
Club Service – Twana and Tori
            Anita is chairing the Rotating Dinner on Saturday, April 28, 5:30 PM at the Cunningham’s
Next Board Meeting:  Thursday, Aril 26th, 5:15 PM
Anita introduced Shreyani Shah and Meena Sankaren from the organization, PRERNA.  This organization is assisting refugee families from conflict ridden countries.  The presentation explained how the government brings in an approved person or family, turns them over to an organization and provides a cash payment to get them started.
When the designated organization finishes with processing, PRERNA takes over and helps the refugee find housing and a job.  They also introduce them to classes to learn English, get the children registered for school, and help them find low cost food and temporary housing.  They always need contributions of money and volunteers to work helping the refugees get started.
Future Schedule:
April 24th - Dr. Deborah Clark, Pacific Hearing Service: “Hearing Loss and the Aging Brain”.
4fer – Tori Atwell