Inspirational guest speaker, Carolyn Novak from Red Cross Disaster Preparedness, instilled important tips on how to prepare our families and community if disaster strikes.

Read more about this September 11th meeting in the minutes.


Rotary Club of Cayucos-Seaside

Thursday, September 11th, 2008

Call to order

: 7:10

In attendance

: Donna Chipman, Jim Dotta, Sherry Haynie, Brad Heizenrader, Hilary Hopkins, Joyce Lundy, Jessica Peterson, Sherry Sim, Dee Smith, Liz Weeth, Guest: Chungsum Doh, Guest Speaker: Carolyn Novak.


: In remembrance of September 11th.

Club Business


Next week Jessica will have more information about the Car Wash and Field Day.

October 29th Wednesday 1-2 p.m. Beach Clean-up at the Pier with the students at Cayucos School

Sign-up sheet circulating for the Harbor Festival. Sherry has Pre-Sale tickets. One and Two day tickets. Harbor Festival is paying our club for our efforts and it's also a great way to promote our club.

Sept. 18th on Thursday 6:00 p.m. Potluck so bring a dish and a friend.

20th of September Margarita and Avocado Festival is going to be a great time. Lots of tasting and local chefs 3-4 bands and lots of vendors 11:00 is the start time. Morro Bay cheerleaders will be selling guacamole and chips for a fundraiser. Stop by the Chamber booth to see Joyce and if you want to help out be sure to let Joyce know.

Anil is still visiting. A sign up sheet for the social Sept. 30th is circulating. The venue is still to be confirmed. Our club contributed $100.00 so plan to show up to this catered event. October 2nd he will be visiting our club. Mark your calendars and share in the fellowship.

Meet on Sept. 23rd. At Robobank in Cambria and sponsored by their noon club to learn about matching grants and how we can tap into district funds.

Basic PERLS is held in conjunction with district conference in Santa Maria. Hilary and Joyce have already signed up for PERLS-Great job!

Sherry has distributed a brochure called Strategic Plan 2007-2010. Look it over and ask questions if they arise.

Committee meeting for the cookbook will be assembled soon.

Monday, September 15th, 2008 next Board Meeting.

Guest Speaker: Carolyn Novak Red Cross Disaster Preparedness

3 mother nature types of disaster to prepare for and important to think about.

The events circulating Hurricane Katrina sparked her interest and forced her to cancel her current schedule because she was so touched by the events.

Proceeded to be the worst 3 weeks of her life, depressing, sad, hot, hungry, thirsty- every negative emotion ran through her, but she wouldn't change a thing because of what the experience instilled in her: a cause!

After three weeks of being there, it took 10 weeks to really care about anything more than what was happening there. People, relationships, family love people!!

Carolyn has a passion for getting people ready and prepared on the Central Coast and she is here to help. This is not to instill fear, but how can we use 9-11, Myanmar, and the events in New Orleans to better prepare ourselves.

We need you to be ready at home. Do you do a fire drill with your family, do you have a plan for your kids, your pets, etc.????

Rotary can be a big help in assisting others, but we have to be prepared at home in order to help others in the community.

Packets were handed out with extensive information for reference. Be sure to go through the Grab and Go Kit. Necessary items to include: whistle, can opener and utensils for food, enough for a 24 hour period, blanket, toilet tissue, duct tape, flashlight, extra batteries, changing all batteries and food every 6 months, protein because you eat less than usual, beans, corn, tuna, pet food, water proof matches, army knife, power or energy bars, hand sanitizer, toothbrush and toothpaste, flares, wet ones for cleaning hands, and personal items such as tokens or pictures to carry with you. Keep small bills because in a disaster stores will not have adequate change. Be sure to have medication. Crucial to our survival in the community.

Great gift idea!

This should urge you to start thinking about preparedness-include the neighbors and your family and at least begin a discussion and a plan.

Meeting adjourned @ 8:03