Membership Means Friendships



What draws people to Rotary?  What keeps them active?  Resoundingly, the majority of people join for the fun of friendship and stay for the same reason.  While 19% join for perceived networking/business advantages, only 5% stay for that reason.  More people are attracted to Rotary’s ability to empower them in making positive impacts on their local communities.
What do these statistics suggest to us?  We can encourage and invite friends to a Rotary meeting and generate some curiosity in Rotary International.  We can become better conversant on the variety of activities and projects our Sunrise Club and other clubs do worldwide to improve lives.
Our club raises over $60,000 annually to support local and international projects.  Sunrise Rotarians volunteer their professional skills as well as learning new talents.  We learn and play bocce ball, cook for community groups, supply books to and rebuild schools, housing shelters, sample local wines, test vision and fit people of all ages for eye glasses in Nicaragua.  We host foreign students and send local students abroad.  We fund academic and vocational scholarships.  We walk local trails, even one’s we have blazed.  We mentor adults and youth.  We prefer to go f a r t h e r, together, and together with YOUR help you can see other like-minded leaders discover the same dimensions of friendship and service which have kept your attention active.
President Eloise has challenged us to invite a friend to attend a meeting between now and December 17.  As preparation, you may want to preview our programs for those of interest to someone you could invite.
An invitation to come to a Sunrise meeting is not  in itself an in invitation to join.  It is an opportunity to learn and then ~~~~~
Service Above Self!!
